Monday 30 May, 2011

Sleep is pleasure

Sleep is a naturally recurring state characterized by reduced or absent consciousness, relatively suspended sensory activity, and inactivity of nearly all voluntary muscles.It is distinguished from quiet wakefulness by a decreased ability to react to stimuli, but it is more easily reversible than hibernation or coma. Sleep is a heightened anabolic state, accentuating the growth and rejuvenation of the immune, nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. It is observed in all mammals, all birds, and many reptiles, amphibians, and fish.
The purposes and mechanisms of sleep are only partially clear and are the subject of intense research. Sleep is often thought to help conserve energy, but actually decreases metabolism only about 5–10%. Hibernating animals need to sleep despite the hypometabolism seen in hibernation, and in fact they must return from hypothermia to euthermy in order to sleep, making sleeping "energetically expensive."

Lets churn chemistry-Acetates

Chemistry is a very interesting branch of science.Chemistry's branch is Organic Chemistry which is too a interesting subject.There are billions and trillions of organic compounds.Acetates being some of them.
                Acetates are very common compounds which we use everyday.The vinegar that we consume is Acetic acid.Now we are going to discuss about acetates.An acetate is a derivative of Acetic acid.
                This term includes salts and esters, as well as the anion found in solution. Most of the approximately 5 billion kilograms of acetic acid produced annually in industry are used in the production of acetates, which usually take the form of polymers.International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry has sanctioned that acetates would be written ethanoates.Many acetate salts are ionic, indicated by their tendency to dissolve well in water. A commonly encountered acetate in the home is sodium acetate, a white solid that can be prepared by combining vinegar and sodium bicarbonate("bicarb").The acetate anion, [CH3COO], is one of the carboxylate family. It is the conjugate base of acetic acid. Above pH of 5.5, acetic acid converts to acetate.Commercially important acetate salts are aluminium acetate used in dyeing, ammonium acetate, a precursor to acetamide, and potassium acetate, used as a diuretic. All three salts are colourless and highly soluble in water.Acetate is a common anion in biology. It is mainly utilized by organisms in the form of acetyl coenzyme A.Acetates are very very common in day to day life and its uses are various.

Sunday 29 May, 2011

Old is Gold-Great Indian Scientist Brahmagupta

Brahmagupta a very very old mathematician,astronomer etc.He had proposed the Gravitational pull of Earth some hundreds years before Sir Isaac Newton proposed it.Brahmagupta was the first to use zero as a number. He gave rules to compute with zero. Contrary to popular opinion, negative numbers did not appear first in Brahmasputa siddhanta.Brahmagupta's most famous work is his Brahmasphutasiddhanta. It is composed in elliptic verse, as was common practice in Indian Mathematics, and consequently has a poetic ring to it. As no proofs are given, it is not known how Brahmagupta's mathematics was derived. In BrahmasputhaSiddhanta, Multiplication was named Gomutrika. In the beginning of chapter twelve of his Brahmasphutasiddhanta, entitled Calculation, Brahmagupta details operations on fractions. The reader is expected to know the basic arithmetic operations as far as taking the square root, although he explains how to find the cube and cube-root of an integer and later gives rules facilitating the computation of squares and square roots. He then gives rules for dealing with five types of combinations of fractions, \tfrac{a}{c} + \tfrac{b}{c}, \tfrac{a}{c} \cdot \tfrac{b}{d}, \tfrac{a}{1} + \tfrac{b}{d}, \tfrac{a}{c} + \tfrac{b}{d} \cdot \tfrac{a}{c} = \tfrac{a(d+b)}{cd}, and \tfrac{a}{c} - \tfrac{b}{d} \cdot \tfrac{a}{c} = \tfrac{a(d-b)}{cd}.Brahmagupta went on to give a recurrence relation for generating solutions to certain instances of Diophantine equations of the second degree such as Nx2 + 1 = y2 (called Pell's Equation) by using the Euclidean Algorithm. The Euclidean algorithm was known to him as the "pulverizer" since it breaks numbers down into ever smaller pieces.
In 665 Brahmagupta devised and used a special case of the Newton–Stirling interpolation formula of the second-order to interpolate new values of the sine function from other values already tabulated. The formula gives an estimate for the value of a function f at a value a + xh of its argument (with h > 0 and −1 ≤ x ≤ 1) when its value is already known at a − h,  a and a + h.
The formula for the estimate is:
f( a + x h ) \approx f(a) + x \left(\frac{\Delta f(a) + \Delta f(a-h)}{2}\right) + \frac{x^2 \Delta^2 f(a-h)}{2!}.
where Δ is the first-order forward-difference operator, i.e.
 \Delta f(a) \ \stackrel{\mathrm{def}}{=}\ f(a+h) - f(a).    Great Brahmagupta great.This is only what we can say

Think about Indian Scientist-Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray

Ever thought of Mercurous Nitrite.
 Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray experimented on it and gave various facts about this compound.                        
 He had established Bengal Chemical and Pharmaceutical Works at the of Partition of Bengal.
 He was born on August 2, 1861 in the village Raruli-Katipara in Khulna District(now in Bagladesh) and died on June 16, 1944. He is the author of  "A History of Hindu Chemistry from the Earliest Times to the Sixteenth Century" (1902).P. C. Ray developed his interest in science after reading the autobiography of Benjamin Frankling and his famous ‘kite experiment’.He also worked with gold,platinum,iridium etc with mercaptyl radicals and organic sulphides.
  We bow before you and salute you for your special efforts to strengthen Chemistry in India and give boons to whole world.

Saturday 28 May, 2011